
01/01/2018 - 01/02/2018    
7:00 pm - 7:00 am


Event Type

UUCPA is hosting the Heart and Home shelter.  Up to 15 Heart and Home participants will be eating dinner and sleeping at UUCPA.

Heart and Home’s switch to University Lutheran is now scheduled for Sunday January 28, so Heart and Home will remain at UUCPA a little longer, with their last night here on January 27.

You can sign up to volunteer and/or bring a dinner.  Volunteering is primarily helping with dinner setup starting at 7pm and then staying for dinner.  (Staying to help with dishes is optional.)

To sign up to bring dinner or to volunteer, use Heart and Home’s online volunteer signup at: https://www.hhcollab.org/volunteer

Contact Edie Keating or Beth Sherman for more information


Heart and Home Women’s Shelter – Now open!