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Sunday school is available for children & youth ages preschool through grade 8. Children spend the first 15 minutes in the service in the Main Hall, walking to Sunday school classes with their peers and teachers during the first hymn.

Sunday School, September through December

  • Red class (3 and 4 year olds) — Supervised free play
  • Tangerine class (gr. K-2) — A story-based curriculum with time for supervised free play.
  • Teal class (grade 3-5) — A story-based curriculum with time for supervised free play.
  • Purple class (grade 6-8) — Neighboring Faiths, a curriculum where we visit other faith communities

Children’s Chapel

Children’s Chapel is our monthly intergenerational service just for kids from K-8. This gives children a chance to get to know each other no matter what grade and engage in worship and spiritual practices in a kid-centered way. We also do service projects together during this time, such as taking care of our adopted portion of Adobe Creek or making school supply packs for our neighbors at LifeMoves.

Summer Sunday school, June through mid-August

Summer Sunday school is less formal, and emphasizes having fun and building community. Each week includes stories and time to socialize, and maybe a project to try.

Youth programs, Sept.-May

All ages are always welcome at service. High schoolers on Sunday mornings attend service or help out in the kitchen or help teach RE with trained adults. They may also attend SHYG on Sunday evenings from 6:30 – 8 p.m.

High school programming takes a break for summer and resumes in mid-August.

Senior High Youth Group (grades 9-12) or SHYG — Senior High Youth Group (grades 9-12) or SHYG — Teenagers in high school are welcome to join SHYG for fun and community-building, learning, worship, leadership development, and social action. SHYG meets most Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m., from Sept. through May. To learn more, go here or check the latest CYRE newsletter for recent announcements.

Coming of Age (grades 8-9) — Coming of Age (grades 8-9) — In the Coming of Age program, teens explore their own spirituality and learn more about Unitarian Universalism through group meetings, projects, field trips, and meetings with mentors. Coming of Age will be offered November 2024. For more information, contact Rev. Cat Boyle.

(Page updated July 31 2024)