Weekly Newsletters
The Weekly Update
The Weekly Update is a digital newsletter sent weekly via email on Saturday mornings (usually between 8 am and noon) to let you know everything that’s coming up at UUCPA. Search your email for from:news@uucpa.org if you aren’t sure if you are receiving it.
If you are new and interested in more information, please fill out our newcomer form and check out our Visitors page.
CYRE Sunday School Reminder
The CYRE (Children and Youth Religious Education) Sunday School Reminder arrives early Sunday morning with information about that morning and other family activities for the whole week, including things like Parents’ Night Out, Game Nights, family social service projects, barbecues and more. Search your email for from: revcat@uucpa.org if you aren’t sure if you are receiving it. To be added to the CYRE list, click here.
Children and youth always begin the morning in the Main Hall with their families at 10:15 AM.
New subscribers to the Announce e-mail list automatically receive the Weekly Update; people whose kids are registered for CYRE automatically receive the CYRE Sunday School Reminder. If you have not been subscribed and wish to receive either of these, please contact uucpa@uucpa.org and request to be added, or subscribe yourself via this form.
Archived Updates
Archived versions of the Weekly Update can be found here (note that videoconference passwords are not included in the archived versions):
Note: if you don’t see a list of weekly updates above this paragraph, strict tracking prevention in your browser settings may be blocking it. Please visit the Weekly Update archive for the full list.
If you have an item for the Weekly Update, please send it via email to publicity@uucpa.org. The deadline for each (Saturday) weekly update is Friday at 5 pm.
The Publicity team has lots of other channels to get your news out as well–just ask, or have a look at How to Make an Announcement for additional ideas and suggestions.
The Bulletin
The Bulletin was the UUCPA Newsletter through August 9, 2020. Previous editions of the Bulletin are stored on the UUCPA Google Drive: