Green Sanctuary
Becoming a Green Sanctuary has meant commitment and action as an institution and as individuals to moderate global climate change and to live in harmony with the earth. The Congregation is accredited as a Green Sanctuary by the Unitarian Universalist Association. The Green Sanctuary Committee continues to raise awareness about sustainability and advocate for changes that make a difference.
The Green Sanctuary committee meets on the Second Sunday of each month at 12:00 PM in Room 9. Newcomers and “drop-ins” are welcome.
Request to Join the Google group: Green Sanctuary Committee
Upcoming Green Sanctuary Committee Events
Green Sanctuary Committee Meeting
A History
Over 2007-2017, highlights of actions include:
- replacing low efficiency furnaces
- installing fluorescent and LCD lighting
- installing timed thermostats
- installing solar electricity generating system to provide approximately 50% of our electricity usage
- using Palo Alto city green electricity for the other half
- inaugurating a thorium reactor study group
- partnering with Interfaith Power & Light, Acterra, Cool Congregations, the Drive Less Challenge, and the Thorium Energy Alliance of Silicon Valley
- advocacy for coastal Alaskan villages suffering from global warming
- implementation of “green” purchasing policy
- recycling members’ ink and toner cartridges
- member pledges totaling 100,000 lbs of carbon reductions
- planting low-water-use plants (mostly CA natives) in landscaping