Becoming a Green Sanctuary has meant commitment and action as an institution and as individuals to moderate global climate change and to live in harmony with the earth.  The Congregation is accredited as a Green Sanctuary by the Unitarian Universalist Association.

News from the Green Sanctuary


Green Sanctuary Committee

The Purpose of the Green Sanctuary Committee is to raise awareness about sustainability and advocate for changes that make a difference.

The Green Sanctuary committee meets once a month.

Date: 2nd Sunday of each month

Time: 12:00 PM

Location: Room 9


Newcomers and “drop-ins” are welcome.

Request to Join the Google group: Green Sanctuary Committee

Upcoming Green Sanctuary Committee Events

Green Sanctuary Committee Meeting

Green Sanctuary Committee Meeting

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
We are a Green Sanctuary Congregation and continue our active push toward being truly Green in our energy consumption. The Green Sanctuary Committee meets on [...]
Green Sanctuary Committee Meeting

Green Sanctuary Committee Meeting

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
We are a Green Sanctuary Congregation and continue our active push toward being truly Green in our energy consumption. The Green Sanctuary Committee meets on [...]

Previously – Fourth Friday Films of Vision and Hope

From 2009 to the pandemic, Transition Palo Alto and Transition Silicon Valley have hosted Films of Vision and Hope  – educational and thought-provoking films and discussions about creative and resilient solutions to the environmental and social challenges of our time.

Films of Vision and Hope is now part of Fourth Friday, co-sponsored by Transition Palo Alto, Transition Silicon Valley, and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto. Before the pandemic, fourth Friday events were held in the Fireside Room at the church. If you’d like to help get the series going again, drop a line to the Green Sanctuary Committee.

Upcoming Films:
Nothing scheduled at this time.