There are many programs for adults at UUCPA. This includes special classes offered by the Adult Learning Journey committee as well as ongoing group meetings and events.
Adult Learning Journey (ALJ)
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, through the Adult Learning Journey committee, offers an array of classes, groups, and events designed to support and enhance the lifelong spiritual explorations of our adult members, friends, and visitors.
Our offerings encourage participants to open their minds and hearts to new understandings, to share their diverse experiences with one another, and to engage in compassionate action outside of the congregation.
Classes encourage the continued spiritual and ethical exploration of Unitarian Universalist values through learning about diverse faiths, philosophies, and wisdom traditions, as well as pursuing a deeper understanding of our Unitarian Universalist identity and principles. All Adult Learning Journey classes are offered at no charge.
For information on any Adult Learning Journey class, seminar or workshop, contact the church office (650-494-0541), or send an email to
Vision and Mission of ALJ
Vision: All adult members and friends of UUCPA know about and can choose to participate in inclusive programs that address their diverse interests and needs in furthering their individual spiritual journeys and that enrich our community and world.
Mission: The Adult Learning Journey Committee offers classes that align with the UU Principles and with the mission of UUCPA (see below). The classes aim to enrich the mind and spirit and seek to:
- support our faith development and spiritual growth;
- respect the many, diverse ways to be human;
- enhance knowledge of the self;
- address the specific interests and needs of the adult UUCPA community;
- foster connection and compassion with each other and with the world; and
- recognize and promote diversity and inclusion in our community and world.
Adult Learning Journey Class Schedule
We welcome your participation in the following explorations, generally held in the Fireside room at UUCPA in hybrid fashion:

Resonant Reading (Wednesday)-Ubuntu-Desmond Tutu Desmond Tutu, No Future Without Forgiveness

Resonant Reading (Saturday)-Reality of life-Péguy

Neighboring Faith Communities for Adults - Wednesday Class
Neighboring Faiths Visit Sikh gurdwara TBD

ALJ Class: Why UU’s should give a “dam” about water conservation

Living with Chronic Pain

Neighboring Faith Communities for Adults - Wednesday Class

Neighboring Faith Communities for Adults - Wednesday Class
Ongoing Events
Please email about the availability of childcare at least two weeks prior to the event. (650-494-0541)