As a part of the free church tradition, we accept no money from any governmental body, nor do we receive money from any ecclesiastical authority, in order that we shall remain free to govern ourselves. Your generous donation will help sustain our service to members and the local communities.

Ways to Make a One-Time or Recurring Monthly Donation to UUCPA

…Online Via Paypal

If you can, please use the memo field to designate “pledge,” “offering,” “justice partner,” “capital campaign,” “Memorial Fund,” or other.

…Online via Givelively

You can connect Givelively to your bank, credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Wallet

PledgePay your 2024-2025 Pledge
OfferingChristmas Eve Offering Donation
75th CampaignPay your 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign Pledge
OfferingDonate to the Sunday Offering
Justice PartnerDonate to the Justice Partner of the Month
GeneralMake a General Donation

…Via Check

Drop off or mail to UUCPA at: 505 E. Charleston Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306

…Using Online Bill Pay

Set up a one time or repeating donation with your bank’s bill pay system. Tell them to mail a check to UUCPA at 505 Charleston Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306.

Annual Giving

It takes over $12,000 a week to provide all the ministry we depend on: Sunday services, small groups, adult and children’s learning, pastoral care, justice, and social events. The most important source of funds for our annual operating budget comes from annual giving – the fulfillment of pledges from our congregation.

Planned Giving and Special Gifts

Longer-term giving maintains this spiritual home for future generations. Generous additional bequests and major gifts sustain and enhance UUCPA, planting the trees that provide shade for the future. We would like to thank you, so please consider letting us know when you have named UUCPA in your will.

Plus: Fundraising

Members and friends also contribute time and talent through a variety of fundraising events. Get involved! It’s a great way to have fun getting to know others while supporting our cherished community.

These support systems all add up to good stewardship.