2nd Sunday Lunch

Come celebrate the spirit of Love in the air and a mythical salute to our first president with our February lunch. The menu will be:
- Italian Wedding Soup
- Kohlrabi Carrot Soup
- Green Salad with Mandarin Oranges and Toasted Almonds
- Cherry Cobbler
See you there – Edie Keating and Susan Plass
Join us for home-cooked, nutritious, delicious food for a very reasonable donation. We go through the buffet line in the Fireside Room and eat in the Main Hall or outdoors, weather permitting. If you’re new or visiting, be our guest. We want you to stay for lunch, and we welcome new volunteers! Help is needed for Sunday food preparation 10:45-noon, and for cleanup after lunch. Some volunteers help most second Sundays; others help occasionally. Contact Edie if you would like to join us in the kitchen.
Contacts: Susan Plass (susan_p@uucpa.org) and Edie Keating (edie_k@uucpa.org)