COVID-19 Policies
UUCPA Covid Compliance Task Force has implemented the following minimum requirements for participation in all services and activities. They ensure that the UUCPA will be within Federal, State, and County regulations. Additionally, they are based on our desire to make it safe as possible for everyone to participate.
Latest Policy Updates/Announcements
Expectations Regarding Ability to Participate
- Attendees are expected to take responsibility for their own health while being mindful of the health of others in the Community.
- Participants understand that there remains a very small risk that the Group’s precautions may not be sufficient to provide guaranteed protection from infection.
- Groups should make arrangements for individuals to participate via video conference to the extent possible.
- In-person attendees understand that they may be required to provide contact information.
Expectations Regarding Vaccinations
- In-person attendees attest by their presence that they are fully vaccinated. i.e., that they are vaccinated but do not necessarily have the latest booster.
- In-person attendees who are unvaccinated for medical reasons are required to request and obtain specific accommodation from the minister.
Expectations Regarding Masking and Distancing
- All in-person attendees are strongly encouraged to be masked.
- If you are in a singing group, we ask you to maintain a 3-foot distance (shoulder-to-shoulder) from others.
- Please respect others’ choices of masking and distancing.
Expected Requirements for Room Setup
- Group leaders should limit attendance to stated room capacity.
- Group leaders must open windows and doors and turn on air filters prior to start of meeting to allow for maximum air exchange (weather permitting).
- Group singing participants shall leave the room to allow adequate air exchanges at appropriate intervals.
If you have additional questions, please send to