Affordable Housing Resource Fair


1:00 pm - 3:30 pm


Event Type

Date/Time     Saturday 05/13/2023    1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Location     City Hall King Plaza, 250 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto
The City of Palo Alto and Silicon Valley@Home are hosting a Resources Fair offering housing information to renters, seniors, and community members looking for affordable housing.  Other community members are also welcome who wish to learn more about available affordable housing resources.
This free resource fair will provide many services for lower-income members of the community including: helping people sign up for affordable housing waiting lists, answering questions in Spanish, and accessing multiple programs (tenant rights/legal info, senior housing, grocery assistance, housing vouchers), all in one public-transit friendly place.
From the UUCPA Action Council (Sally Ahnger, Chris Cassell, Sean Hansen, Kristi Iverson (Chair), Edie Keating, Karen Skold)