ALJ Class: Helping Children with Emotional Moments


11:45 am - 1:15 pm


Event Type

Tantrums and crying upset us parents and caregivers. We can feel angry, or like a failure, or both! A child’s defiance and rudeness can trigger similar feelings. In these moments of high emotion, what do we do? You already do so much to care for your child well, and this interactive class will help you add one more tool to your kit. We’ll learn an approach that takes the burden off parents to “fix” the situation, while also allowing children to release big feelings and reconnect with you.

  • Presenter: Brooke Bishara
  • Date: Sunday, January 26, 2025
  • Time: 11:45-1:15
  • Location: Fireside Room and online via Zoom.
    • Contact the ALJ committee to request the Zoom link. (it will also be emailed to the email list)

Light refreshments to enjoy with your coffee/tea/mocha will be available to enjoy before the class begins.

Child care will be provided.