ALJ Class: What We Choose: Ethical Decision-Making and Utilitarianism for UUs
“All action is for the sake of some end; and rules of action, it seems natural to suppose, must take their whole character and color from the end to which they are subservient. — John Stuart Mill, 19th-century British philosopher and civil servant
Many people base their ethical decisions on moral rules, like “killing is always wrong” or “lying is unacceptable,” and strive to follow these rules even though they might sometimes fall short. This approach assumes that there are underlying moral truths that guide ethical behavior. For some, the seven Unitarian Universalist Principles serve as such moral rules.
However, rules-based ethics can sometimes fall short in addressing complex dilemmas. John Stuart Mill, a prominent 19th-century philosopher, argued that the focus should be on the outcomes of decisions rather than strict adherence to rules. His philosophy of utilitarianism, or teleological ethics, emphasizes evaluating the usefulness of actions based on their results, aiming to achieve the greatest benefit for the largest number of people. This approach prioritizes communal welfare over individual adherence to rules.
This workshop will explore utilitarian ethics, including its complexities and questions such as: How do we determine what is morally right in specific situations? How do we assess which actions will benefit the most people? Who is considered in these evaluations, and how do we define “benefit”? We will also examine critiques of utilitarianism, including whether any behavior could be justified in the name of the greater good.
- Presenter: Rev. Cat Boyle
- Date: Sunday, October 27, 2024
- Time: 11:45-1:15
- Location: Fireside Room and online via Zoom.
- Contact the ALJ committee to request the Zoom link. (it has also been emailed to the email list)
Fourth Sunday Waffles and snacks will be available after service. Please use a paper plate. Suggested contribution $2.
Child care will be provided.