ALJ Presents: A Booktalk with Judge LaDoris Cordell


11:45 am - 1:15 pm


Event Type

Judge LaDoris Cordell: Speaking on her memoir Her Honor: My Life on the Bench
Judge LaDoris Cordell will give a talk on her most recent book, Her Honor: My Life on the Bench … What Works, What’s Broken, and How to Change It (2021). In Her Honor, Judge Cordell provides a rare and thought-provoking insider account of our legal system, sharing vivid stories of the cases that came through her courtroom and revealing the strengths, flaws, and much-needed changes within our courts. Judge Cordell was the first African-American woman judge in all of Northern California when she was appointed to the bench in 1982. Since graduating from Stanford Law School in 1974, Judge Cordell has devoted her career in the law to creating greater access and equal justice for people of color and low-income individuals. An author, artist, vocalist, and pianist, she resides in Palo Alto with her partner and is the proud mother of two daughters. There will be ample time for questions following her talk, and Judge Cordell will be available to sign books.