Annual Yard Sale


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


Event Type

Time to clean out your closets, garages, junk rooms, sheds, and any- where else you stash things you don’t really want any more.
The sale is on Friday and Saturday, August 3 and 4, from 9 am to 1 pm and we need lots of help!

We’ll be setting up the sale in the Main Hall beginning on Monday, July 30th at 10 am, continuing on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 am to 3 pm every day. We also need people to help at the sale on Friday and Saturday, and we need people to pack up the unsold items and put them in the Patio Room for the Salvation Army, or cart them off to another nonprofit like Goodwill.
It’s actually fun to help, plus we make some money for the church, we do a good thing for the local community folks who come to shop, and we always feel good about recycling and re-using instead of pitching!
If you can help, please let Marilyn Stoddard ( know (or just show up — walk-ins are good too)