
9:00 am


Event Type

Since Kaye broke a bone in her foot, Bobbi & Carolyn will take the lead.  They will meet at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (2124 Brewster Avenue at Lowell Street in Redwood City) at 9 am on Saturday to carpool…and hopefully, the weather won’t be so hot!

Contact Carolyn (call the office or check Realm for contact info) to confirm if you are coming and if you want to meet at UUFRC or meet them in Pescadero.
The plan is to first drive down to R & R farms in Pescadero for raspberries and blackberries (and maybe strawberries and olallieberries), then walk a bit on the Pescadero Marsh.  Those who want to can stop at the Blue House stand in San Gregorio on the way back.

Original post from Kaye: I am going to be traveling the first two Saturdays in June so I won’t be able to lead my usual hike.
However, I would like to take the opportunity to pick fresh, organic berries from R&R Fresh Farms in Pescadero. Jose Ramirez, one of the only first-generation Mexican-American farm business owners on the coast, operates the farm under a leasing agreement with Peninsula Open Space Trust.

We can pick raspberries, blackberries, and olallieberries. Rosemary and pasture-raised duck eggs are also available at the farm stand.

For more information about R&R Fresh Farms, see https://rnrfresh.com/
Meet at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (2124 Brewster Avenue at Lowell Street in Redwood City) at 9:00 am to carpool. Bring a cooler for your berries if you want to go for a short walk in Pescadero Marsh afterwards.