Brown Bag Books – Educated: A Memoir
The January BBB book selection is Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover (Non-Fiction).
Westover was 17 the first time she was in a classroom, because her survivalist father thought “it was a means for the government to brainwash its gullible citizens, and her mother wasn’t diligent on … homeschooling… (if not for) a brother who managed to extricate himself from their isolated – and often dangerous world,… (Westover) might still be in rural Idaho… trying to survive… her survivalist upbringing (…her father also distrusted doctors). It’s a miraculous story… For those of us who took our educations for granted or occasionally fell asleep in large lecture halls … it’s hard to grasp the level of grit … and intellect required for her to earn her PhD at Cambridge University … and what she had to sacrifice to attain it… (this book) is an inspiring reminder that knowledge is, indeed, power.” (Amazon)
Please join us on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at noon in the Fireside Room to discuss this extraordinary book. (The January 8 meeting date is to work around New Year’s day.)
The Brown Bag Books group meets year-round, except in July and August. Many attendees bring their lunches, and everyone brings a sense of humor. Monthly sessions are always lively and enjoyable.
Books chosen by the group for discussion are usually listed in the Order of Service and the Bulletin, as well as on the UUCPA website.
Contact: Hannah Slocum (
Facilitator: Various participants
Registration: Not required
Brown Bag Books

The Brown Bag Books group meets year-round, except in July and August. Many attendees bring their lunches, and everyone brings a sense of humor. Monthly sessions are always lively and enjoyable.
Books chosen by the group for discussion are usually listed in the Order of Service and the Bulletin, as well as on the UUCPA website.
Contact: Hannah Slocum (
Facilitator: Various participants
Registration: Not required