Brown Bag Books


12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Event Type

The Brown Bag Books group meets year-round, except in July and August. Many attendees bring their lunches, and everyone brings a sense of humor. Monthly sessions are always lively and enjoyable.

Books chosen by the group for discussion are usually listed in the Order of Service and the Bulletin, as well as on the UUCPA website.


Contact:           Hannah Slocum (

Facilitator:       Various participants

Registration:   Not required



12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Event Type

The BBB February selection is In the Midst of Winter by Isabel Allende (fiction). (It is ) …“about three very different people who are brought together in a mesmerizing story that journeys from present-day Brooklyn to Guatemala in the recent past to 1970s Chile and Brazil.” (Amazon) “Exploring the timely issues of human rights and the plight of immigrants and refugees… (and) …embraces the cause of humanity, and it does so with passion, humor, and wisdom that transcend politics” (Jonathan Yardley, The Washington Post) (It) …“forthrightly embraces both harsh realities and whimsy, pleasure and pain in this buoyant adventure, a heart- felt story of resilience and respect that seems just the thing to help us through these darkest of days in our land of exiles.” (The Seattle Times) Please join us on February 5 at noon in the Fireside Room to discuss this very timely book.

The Brown Bag Books group meets year-round, except in July and August. Many attendees bring their lunches, and everyone brings a sense of humor. Monthly sessions are always lively and enjoyable.

Books chosen by the group for discussion are usually listed in the Order of Service and the Bulletin, as well as on the UUCPA website.


Contact:           Hannah Slocum (

Facilitator:       Various participants

Registration:   Not required