Brown Bag Books - The Carry Home


12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Event Type

In June, the Brown Bags Books group will discuss “The Carry Home” by Gary Ferguson (Non Fiction).

“The nature writing of Ferguson arises out of intimate experience…he trekked  500 miles through Yellowstone…followed through the seasons the first 14 wolves released into Yellowstone National Park…This book is both a moving celebration of the outdoor life shared between Gary and his wife Jane, who died tragically in a canoeing accident in northern Ontario in 2005, and a chronicle of the mending, uplifting power of nature.  Confronting his unthinkable loss, he set out to fulfill Jane’s final wish:  the scattering of her ashes in 5 remote, wild locations they loved and shared.  The act of the carry home allows Ferguson the opportunity to ruminate on their life together as well as explore deeply the impactful presence of nature in all of our lives… The book offers a powerful glimpse into how the natural world can be a critical prompt for moving through cycles of immeasurable grief, how bereavement can turn to wonder, and how one man rediscovered himself in the process of saying goodbye.:  (Amazon)

Please join us on Zoom on June 2nd  at noon to discuss this fascinating and moving book.

If you aren’t already on the Brown Bag Books email list, please subscribe by sending an email to:

The Brown Bag Books group meets year-round, except in July and August. Many attendees bring their lunches, and everyone brings a sense of humor. Monthly sessions are always lively and enjoyable.

Books chosen by the group for discussion are usually listed in the Order of Service and the Bulletin, as well as on the UUCPA website.

  • Contact:           Hannah Slocum (
  • Facilitator:       Various participants
  • Registration:   Not required