We welcome Christmas with stories, carols and special music, and candles.  Come sing the familiar songs that are always in the darkness.

This is a traditional lessons-and-carols service — we sing a carol together, we read a short passage from one of the Bible texts telling the story of Christmas, followed by another carol, another reading, etc.  Our worship leader also gives a brief homily, presenting a Unitarian Universalist perspective on Christmas. Then everyone gets to hold a lit candle (everyone who is old enough, that is, or old enough to do so with a parent’s assistance). There will be two candlelight services, one at 6:30 and one at 8:00, and children are welcome at both. These services are a great way to have a calm moment in the midst of the Christmas rush.

Worship Leaders: Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern & Mr. Barb Greve