
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Event Type

Elder Journey is our circle for all self-identified elders. Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern facilitates.

Today’s conversation-starter: What was a favorite book of yours as a child? Why that one? Do you still like it?

And, as always, we’ll check in about our lives. Invite a friend!

One change: because we’re meeting via Zoom video conferencing, we’ll keep our gathering to an hour. Longer than that on Zoom is tiring. If you need help with Zoom, please contact Amy (parishmin@uucpa.org) or BJ (bjwishinsky@uucpa.org) in advance and we’ll get you set up.

  • Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/93944890260
  • One tap mobile +16465588656,,93944890260#
  • If you don’t have a smartphone or internet access, join us by phone:
    • Dial 1-646-558-8656
    • Enter the Meeting ID: 939 4489 0260 followed by the pound sign #

Find out more about Elder Journey.