Elementary Sunday school – Online
Beginning May 17, Linda Henigin, Beth Nord, and others will lead a 45 minute Sunday school session at 10:30 am. From children in Red through Blue classes, children will light a flaming chalice together, hear a story and talk about it, play a game or two together, and then say the unison benediction together at the end. These sessions will last about 45 minutes.
On May 17, we’ll color/decorate signs together for Heart and Home. Please print one of these signs or have a plain sheet of paper for decorating along with markers/crayons ready for your child during class during our Online Sunday School class.
In general, kids should have a few sheets of paper and crayons/markers handy for the class.
Watch the weekly CYRE announcement for Zoom links! Please send an email to cyrecommittee@uucpa.org if you don’t receive the zoom links by 8:30 am on Sunday morning.