
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Event Type

We meet on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of each month at UUCPA, usually from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. We meet on the McFadden patio in the warmer months, in rooms 4-5 when it is cold or windy.
Generally we sit in a circle and sing together. We go around the circle and take turns leading songs. We have a binder of lead sheets for over 200 songs. Most of the selections are folks songs, but we also sing rock n roll, popular, jazz, and other genres. Participants are invited to bring musical instruments as well. Participants have been known to bring a guitar, banjo, harmonica, clarinet, tambourine, and electronic keyboard for example. Our songbook is also online for those who would like to practice between meetings.
Come and join us!