Hike – Garin Regional Park
On Saturday, March 7, we’ll join Bob and Sandy Simoni for a 5.25-mile hike in Garin Regional Park right behind their house. The hills are green now and we hope for wildflowers by the beginning of March. We’ll climb no more than 1,000 feet -- unless it’s such a clear day that we want to climb up Vista Peak to check out the view.
After the hike, we’ll gather on Bob and Sandy’s convivial back deck for lunch. Bob will grill some hamburgers and the rest of us will provide sides, desserts, and beverages.
Please reply telling me what you want to bring and I’ll try to keep track so that we can have a variety to eat and drink.
Meet at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Redwood City (2124 Brewster Ave. and Lowell) a little bit before 9am to form carpools. If you want to meet us at the trail head, we’ll gather at Bob and Sandy’s house in Hayward between 9:45 - 10 am. Contact Kaye for the address.
Hope to see you on the trail,