Logical Fallacies by Joy Morgenstern (A six-class Series)

Logical Fallacies by Joy Morgenstern (A six-class Series: Six Mondays from 7:30 to 9 p.m., from May 3 to June 14, skipping May 31)
If you spend a lot of time on the Internet (or on the rare occasions these days that you get to leave the house) you will encounter many people who are trying to convince you to buy or believe something. Often, their arguments seem illogical, manipulative, or just plain ridiculous. You might have noticed that sometimes they use the same type of bad arguments over and over again.
This class will take a close look at these errors in reasoning, which are known as logical fallacies. We’ll identify the most common types of logical fallacies, with examples drawn from many different sources. This will help you improve your critical thinking skills, recognize when someone is trying to manipulate you, and increase your ability to argue in support of your own beliefs.
The class will be on six Mondays from 7:30 to 9 p.m., from May 3 to June 14 (skipping May 31). In each class, we’ll discuss several different types of logical fallacies:
- Lack of Evidence Week 1: Causal Fallacies, such as confusing correlation with causations
- Lack of Evidence Week 2: Circular Arguments, Hasty Generalizations, etc.
- Use of emotional instead of evidence: Ad Hominen Attacks, Appealing to Pity, etc.
- Misleading Arguments Week 1: purposely manipulating the data
- Misleading Arguments Week 2
- Miscellaneous Logical Fallacies
The Zoom link will be provided on announce@uucpa.org and on CREparents@uucpa.org before each class If you are not a member of the announce list, you can join it on the announce group web page (look for the Ask to Join Group button). Feel free to send an email to announce+owner@uucpa.org if you need help joining the announce list.