
9:00 am - 10:30 am

Event Type

The Saturday Meditation group continues to meet during COVID-19 pandemic via Zoom.  We sit in silence for two 20-minute periods, surrounded by readings chosen by a different participant each time we meeting.  Then we hold a confidential conversation for about 40 minutes.  Total time is 9 am to 10:30 am every Saturday.
Maybe you’d like to participate in a virtual Saturday meditation.  You’re welcome to do so.  Please send Bill Hilton an email to satmeditation+owner@uucpa.org to request being added to the Zoom meeting.  I’ll respond with a specific invitation to you—which we urge you not to share, except with anyone in your household.
Questions are also welcome.


The Saturday morning meditation group welcomes all to join us for meditation, tea, and conversation. Meditation time begins promptly at 9:10 and lasts for 40 minutes, including several short readings. Next, we share tea and conversation, talking about what is important to us in the moment – perhaps our response to the readings or something that is going on in our lives.

  • Dates: Every Saturday
  • Time: 9-10:30 am
  • Location: Room 6 through Aug 2019, Room 10 starting Sep 2019+
  • Facilitator: Leadership is shared and rotates weekly
  • Contact: Marilyn Stoddard (satmeditation+owner@uucpa.org)
  • Registration: Not required

Come Meditate with Us!