Parent Journey

Since Sunday School classes are held online in the mornings while UUCPA is closed to in-person meetings, we won’t hold Parent Journey at 11 am on Sunday 5/10. We’ll be moving it to 3:00 pm on Sunday, 5/10 via Zoom video conference. If you’d like to join, please subscribe to so that you can get the information.
This is an informal time once a month for parents of RE children and youth to come together, with mugs in hand.
We start the way most of our small groups at UUCPA start, with a “check-in,” that is, with a time to talk about what’s been going on in your life recently. Then we’ll present a topic and we’ll have time for conversation on that topic.
No need to prepare – join us for an hour set aside for just us, a safe place to ponder, discuss, share, reflect, and laugh about the vagaries of parental life from a UU perspective.
Visit the Parent Journey Page for more info.