Peaceful Presence Service - Online


7:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Event Type

Multifaith Prayers for Peace and Strength for the Journey

Join together for prayers for peace from diverse faith traditions to lift us up during this time.

In the midst of difficult times, Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice hosts “Peaceful Presence,” a monthly prayer service on the evening of the 11th of each month. Together we enter a time of quiet multifaith prayers for peace and strength for the journey.  All are welcome: those of all faith traditions and of no defined faith, those who are suffering at the hands of their own government, those who need a pause in the midst of intensive work on behalf of others, and all who would like to pray with others for the well-being of all. Hosting rotates among our many member communities, and our prayer time always includes elements from several religious traditions.
This month’s virtual gathering is hosted by First Lutheran Church of Palo Alto. Contact the Rev. Diana Gibson to receive the Zoom link and all login information the morning of the service, or request e-mail updates from Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice to receive the link every month.