Sacred Text Reading Group (Saturday)

A twice-weekly online sacred text reading group. We meet on Saturdays, 4-5, and on Wednesdays, 12-1. All are wide open and you are welcome!
Using a spiritual-practice approach, in each session we will explore a different brief scriptural text in depth. The aims of the sessions are educational (learning something about the texts and traditions), spiritual/moral (discovering what the texts ask of us), and community-building (getting to know each other better). Our practice usually follows this version of Lectio Divina.
The facilitator will have a version of the text available to share; “bring” your own if you like. All are welcome, as are your suggestions of future texts. Group members also take turns facilitating, if they want to try that role.
To have check-in time, or if you are new and would like a brief orientation, arrive ten minutes early. And all are welcome to stay ten minutes after as well, for more getting-acquainted time.
How to join:
- Join this class from your Web browser:
- Join this class using the Zoom app: Meeting ID: 578 882 781
- Join this class by phone: 669 900 9128 US (San Jose), Meeting ID: 578 882 781
- Join this class by on-tap on mobile phones: +16699009128,,578882781# US (San Jose)
- Phoning in, but not in the bay area? Find your local number:
Sacred Text Reading Group

A weekly online sacred text reading group with Amy
Using a spiritual-practice approach, in each session we will explore a different brief scriptural text in depth. The aims of the sessions are educational (learning something about the texts and traditions), spiritual/moral (discovering what the texts ask of us), and community-building (getting to know each other better). Amy will have a version of the text available to share; “bring” your own if you like. All are welcome, as are your suggestions of future texts. About half our readings so far have been those suggested by group members.
Our text for Saturday, May 8, 2021, is this passage from the movie TRON, screenplay by Steve Lisberger. Walter Gibbs is the now-sidelined founder of a large computer company, ENCOM, and Ed Dillinger is the new corporate leader and chief villain of the film.
DILLINGER: I shut down Group 7 for a very good reason.
GIBBS: Ed, all I’m saying is that if our own people can’t get access to their programs… Well, you know how frustrating it is when you’re working on a piece of research.
DILLINGER: Walter, I sympathize, but I have data coming from the Master Control Program telling me there’s something screwy going on around here.
GIBBS: That MCP. That’s half our problem right there.
DILLINGER: The MCP is the most efficient way of handling what we do. I can’t sit here and worry about every little user request that comes in.
GIBBS: User requests are what computers are for.
DILLINGER: Doing our business is what computers are for. ENCOM isn’t the business you started in your garage anymore. We’re billing accounts in 30 different countries. New defense systems. We have one of the most sophisticated pieces of equipment in existence.
GIBBS: Oh, I know all that. Sometimes I wish I were back in that garage.
DILLINGER: That can be arranged, Walter.
GIBBS: That was uncalled for. You know, you can remove men like Alan and me from the system, but we helped create it, and our spirit remains in every program we designed for this computer.
DILLINGER: Walter, it’s getting late. I’ve got better things to do than to have religious discussions with you. Don’t worry about ENCOM anymore. It’s out of your hands now.
How to join:
- Join this class from your Web browser:
- Join this class using the Zoom app: Meeting ID: 578 882 781
- Join this class by phone: 669 900 9128 US (San Jose), Meeting ID: 578 882 781
- Join this class by on-tap on mobile phones: +16699009128,,578882781# US (San Jose)
- Phoning in, but not in the bay area? Find your local number: