Norman Maclean

Sacred Text Reading Group (Saturday)


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Event Type

A twice-weekly online sacred text reading group. We meet on Saturdays, 4-5, and on Wednesdays, 12-1. All are wide open and you are welcome!

Using a spiritual-practice approach, in each session we will explore a different brief scriptural text in depth. The aims of the sessions are educational (learning something about the texts and traditions), spiritual/moral (discovering what the texts ask of us), and community-building (getting to know each other better). Our practice usually follows this version of Lectio Divina.

The facilitator will have a version of the text available to share; “bring” your own if you like. All are welcome, as are your suggestions of future texts. Group members also take turns facilitating, if they want to try that role.

Our text for Saturday, April 30, 2022, is this passage from the novel A River Runs Through It, by Norman Maclean:

We sat on the bank and the river went by. As always, it was making sounds to itself, and now it made sounds to us […]

On the Big Blackfoot River above the mouth of Belmont Creek the banks are fringed by large Ponderosa pines. In the slanting sun of late afternoon the shadows of great branches reached from across the river, and the trees took the river in their arms. The shadows continued up the bank, until they included us. A river, though, has so many things to say that it is hard to know what it says to each of us […]

For some time [after my brother Paul’s death], my father struggled for more to hold on to. “Are you sure you have told me everything you know about his death?” he asked. I said, “Everything.” “It’s not much, is it?” “No,” I replied, “but you can love completely without complete understanding.” “That I have known and preached,” my father said.

Background for the quote is here.

To have check-in time, or if you are new and would like a brief orientation, arrive ten minutes early. And all are welcome to stay ten minutes after as well, for more getting-acquainted time.

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