Spiritual Adventures In Parenting
Date(s) - 12/17/2023
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Fireside Room
Parent Group

Spiritual Adventures In Parenting, UUCPA’s group for parents of children between the ages of birth and tween, meets again Sunday, December 17, from 11:30a.m.–12:30p.m., following the church service.

We’ll gather in the Fireside Room. Childcare will be provided.

We’ll share joys and challenges from the past month. We’ll also share our questions, insights, and surprises from reading pages 67–94 in the book Chaos,
and the Spiritual
Adventure of

Among the many religious sources for contemporary Unitarian Universalism, our faith looks to “direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life”—and parenting is one powerful source of such experience and spiritual deepening.

Spiritual Adventures In Parenting will be a forum wherein parents can, together:

  • Explore the spiritual dimensions and meaning of our parenting and
  • Cultivate deep connections with one another.

Each monthly session will draw on a short essay or two (or three) from the anthology and other sources as spurs to conversation and spiritual reflection.

To find out more, email Matt Rosin at spiritualparenting@uucpa.org.

Matt Rosin is a stay-at-home dad to two kids at UUCPA and has been involved in the church in numerous ways, including teaching children’s religious education and Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality education classes, co-leading the By Your Side Singers pastoral care choir, and serving on the Mission Task Force that crafted UUCPA’s new Mission Statement. He holds a Ph.D. in Education from Stanford University and writes reflective essays on fatherhood for his newsletter, Fatherhood Is Learning.

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