Summer BBQ
UUCPA’s Friday Night Summer BBQ has officially started! The fun starts at approximately 6 pm. The location is the McFadden Patio/Til Evans Garden (in the right rear portion of the church campus).
Please bring your own entrée as well as a side dish to share. Entrées are usually thrown on the grills around 6:15 pm with dining starting at about 6:30 pm. A donation of $3 each or $6 per family is suggested to cover the cost of incidentals, but don’t ever let this stand in the way of your attendance. We would rather have you there. Beverages provided.
We encourage you to bring your own picnic plates, cups, utensils, and place mats, or we will also have paper and plastic ware on hand.
Hope to see you there – help make this a wonderful evening!