Summer Choir Workshop

From the Music Committee
Have you been considering joining the UUCPA choir? Are you a singer who can’t commit at this time to the choir on an ongoing basis but would love to participate in a choir workshop class this summer? If so you might want to consider a 3-week class led by our wonderful choir director, Bruce Olstad, on Thursday evenings, starting July 19.
Goals for the classes:
1. Focus on vocal skill building
2. Work on music..mostly from our library
3. Develop basic small group ensemble singing skills
4. Have fun
If you think you would be interested please contact either Jack Owicki or Judy Lookabill by July 10. We will be sending out reminders as we approach the starting date.
Fee: $100.00 per person which covers 3 sessions: July 19, July 26, August 2.
(Fee for 4th session, August 7 will be addressed if we decide to have the 4th session.)
Commitment: Participants need to commit to at least 2 of the 3 sessions. Same fee for 2 or 3 sessions. Sorry, no single session payments.
Financial aid: There will be a limited number of partial scholarships (up to 50%) See Judy or Jack.
Minimum enrollment: 10
Time: 7-9:30
Venue: Main Hall
Judith A. Lookabill