Summer Sunday School – Decorating Jars
Today the kids will decorate jars to make an attractive container.
During the summer, all ages from gr. K-8 meet together for fun, summer camp type activities. Preschoolers are welcome to attend if they bring a parent along (or preschoolers may choose unstructured play with child care on the playground). Most of the summer Sunday school sessions will be led by Edie Keating and Rev. Dan Harper. Activities will include cooking, trips to Mitchell Park, Jello painting, and more.
Note that UUCPA has only one service at 10:30 a.m. for the seven weeks from mid-June through the end of July. This year, we’ll go to one service on Sunday, June 16, and we’ll return to two services on Sunday, August 4. During this time, Sunday school takes place at 10:30 a.m.