
11:45 am - 12:30 pm

Event Type

(1) This week in Sunday school we’ll hear a story, talk about it, then make bee watering stations. That’s right, bees need water too, so we’ll make some watering stations that we can put out in the herb gardens at UUCPA. We’ll also spend some time in the herb gardens, watering and smelling the herbs. You can join us in person (outdoors, masked, distanced) or via Zoom — link is here:

Current forecast is for good air quality on Sunday. But please check sparetheair.org on Sat. evening — if the AQI is forecast to be over 100, we’ll move Sunday school online. Use the Zoom link above.

(2) This will be the last session of summer Sunday school. No Sunday school next week (I have to meet with our child care workers to discuss COVID precautions). No Sunday school on Labor Day weekend, as usual. Then we’ll kick off regular Sunday school on Sun., Sept. 12. And starting Sept. 12, we’ll move back to our regular time, 9:30 a.m. — I’ll be sending you more information soon! — Regards, Dan

If you choose to join us by zoom, you may have done this many times before. The class you join will include people moving around outdoors at UUCPA. Our goal is that everyone zooming will be part of what’s happening at church. We know it won’t be perfect, but we will do our best!

If you choose to join us in person, here is our plan, and the rules we will follow so that we all provide each other, especially our unvaccinated young people, with appropriate social distancing and masking.

Summer Sunday School – In Person Plans and Agreements

  • Check in with UUCPA Childcare Staff before you come through the fence – look for the well-labeled sign-in table.
  • Everyone wears a mask the whole time! If you need a drink of water or it’s time to sneeze first socially distance, and then take off your mask briefly.
  • Social Distancing:  We will ask children and adults to do arm’s length social distancing. This is easy to demonstrate and should provide three feet or more of distance. (No social distancing is needed among members of the same household.)
  • What will parents do on site during class? There are two main choices – hang out on the sidelines and chat or read. Or – participate with your children in the class activities.
  • Can two vaccinated parents talk with their masks off? During Summer Sunday School, we want to keep our rules simple – masks for everyone.
  • Will there be coffee and hot chocolate? Not yet. We will only offer drinking water this Sunday.
  • Bathrooms? The bathrooms across from the office will be available.
  • Do these rules follow the small group guidelines? The Board gave the Children and Youth Religious Education (CYRE) Committee authorization to set rules for covid safely in our programs. We aim that our Summer Sunday School rules follow or exceed the small group guidelines.

Check the Sunday School links spreadsheet for the Zoom meeting details. Sunday school links reminder email is sent weekly on Sunday mornings to families with children registered in the Children and Youth Religious Education (CYRE) program.  Children can be registered here: how-to-register.

We hope to see some of you in person or on zoom this Sunday.

To find out more, please contact Dan Harper: danharper@uucpa.org