
9:05 am - 9:20 am


Event Type

Walking a labyrinth is a silent and ordinarily solitary activity. However, many people find it uplifting to sometimes do it with a group. UUCPA participants of every belief (e.g., theists, spiritual non-theists, humanists) gather before the first service to walk our labyrinth together.

Hats and sunscreen are recommended during warm weather. During truly inclement weather, we gather under the overhang in the front of the church (near the Memorial Garden) for silent prayer, meditation, or deep reflection.

  • Date: Every Sunday
  • Time: 9:05-9:20 am
  • Location: UUCPA Labyrinth
  • Facilitator: Marilyn Austin
  • Contact: Marilyn Austin (labyrinthwalk@uucpa.org)
  • Registration: Not required