Sunday Meditation


10:00 am - 10:55 am


Event Type

Date: Every Sunday

  • 10:00 –10:55 on the weeks when UUCPA has two services (at 9:30 and 11am)
  • 9:30 – 10:25 on the weeks when UUCPA has only one service (mid June – end of July)
  • (entering or exiting at other times should be done as quietly as possible)
Location: Church Library—entrance and exit only via side door (across from bathrooms)
Leader: Eric Bier
Contact: Marilyn Austin (sundaymeditation@uucpa)
This meditation opportunity is open to all UUCPA participants.  Those who already meditate regularly may use it as a time and place to pursue their regular practice.  Those for whom meditation is new may use this as a way to try it out, under the guidance of an experienced fellow UU.  In order to make this meditation time accessible to people with other Sunday morning commitments (e.g. The Forum and choir), it will have a built-in break at 10:20 to allow quiet entrance and exit for participants who need to do so.