Sunday School for children and youth age 3-4 and grades 6-8
Sunday Programs for Families
Because we believe in learning by doing, an most important part of our religious education is participation, with all ages, in the first part of regular worship services. Then during Sunday school, young people learn and play with people their own age. Feel free to ask Sunday school teachers what they did this week, and if you would like to review any of the curriculum materials we are using, please call Dan Harper.
9:30 Sunday morning, late August through early March
- 3 and 4 year olds (Red Class), 2017-2018 —The Chalice Children curriculum helps young children learn about their religious community, and get to know each other.
- Elementary School (gr. K-5), participate in the Spring Project during this period.
- Middle School (gr. 6-8), there is a choice of two different classes:
- Violet group: Ecojustice (grade 6-8), 2017-2018 — This is a project-based program that includes projects relating to environmental justice, nature study, and campcraft. Projects may include urban/suburban farming and gardening, creating habitat for non-human organisms, learning how to cook outdoors, and studying environmental justice heroes like Rachel Carson and Cesar Chavez. There will be different projects each year, and this class may be repeated.
- Purple group: Neighboring Faith Communities (grades 7-8) — This middle school group will visit other places of worship, beginning with another UU congregation, moving through Jewish and Christian groups, and ending up with non-Western religions. Participants go on 6-8 field trips during the year, and sometimes have guest speakers from other faith traditions. There will be different field trips each year, and this class may be repeated.