
9:30 am - 10:30 am


Event Type

There is no Sunday school today.  Please attend the intergenerational flower communion service at 9:30 or 11 instead.

Because we believe in learning by doing, a most important part of our religious education is participation, with all ages, in the first part of regular worship services. Then during Sunday school, young people learn and play with people their own age. Feel free to ask Sunday school teachers what they did this week. If you would like to review curriculum materials that are not online, please call Dan Harper.

Here is the Sunday Morning Sunday School Schedule

Class Start Time Where
Grades K-2 (Tangerine) 9:30 Thacher Playground, Behind Room 1
Online Gr. K-5 (Silver) 9:30 Online
Grade 3-5 (Teal) 9:30 Tents behind Fireside Room
Grade 6-8 (Ecojustice) 9:30 Covered patio(Til Evans Garden)
Grade 6-8 (Neighboring Religions) 9:30 Online
Zoom links for online classes are sent via the weekly Sunday School Reminder email and monthly CYRE newsletter. Sign up to get them: https://www.uucpa.org/learning/children-and-youth/newsletter/.  If you didn’t get it, please email cyrecommittee@uucpa.org to request the link for your child’s class.  


Read more about our plans here: https://www.uucpa.org/sunday-school-is-starting-up-this-sunday-september-12/