
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Event Type

Rachel Maxwell, our capital campaign consultant, will report the results of her Feasibility Study. It will have been conducted among a 20% representative sample of the congregation. Light refreshments will be served.

The report will recommend whether to continue with the campaign now, whether any elements of its communication need to be better explained, and what the fundraising goal should be.

In her years as a congregational capital campaign consultant, Rachel has always pinpointed that goal accurately. Some of her congregations have overshot that goal, but as of today, no UU church has ever failed to make it. Come hear about the process and where we have landed!

Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92177866594?pwd=NjhTcis4ODF5TWV4Qjlnek1kbEZqdz09
Meeting ID: 921 7786 6594
Passcode: 025427
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