Unity Rally organized by Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice
Join religious and community organizations as we stand up for justice and friendship in a UNITY RALLY. ACT for America, a grassroots anti-Muslim organization that has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, is coordinating dozens of anti-Muslim protests around the country this Saturday, including one in Santa Clara, CA. Our UNITY RALLY will lift up a positive message message of inclusivity and diversity, standing in solidarity with our Muslim sisters and brothers, and speaking out for the core tenets in all faith traditions of truth, respect and love of neighbor near and far.
We will gather from a variety of spiritual paths and walks of life, from communities around the bay area, to celebrate the friendship and respect that we hold dear. While hate must never stand unchallenged, the intent of the UNITY RALLY is not confrontational, but to affirm the unity in the midst of diversity which is the strength of our communities.
Click here to download a flyer and distribute widely!
– Bring flowers to give away
– Wear white
– Wear flowers
– Bring American flags
– Make LARGE white signs with bold black letters
– Signs should be positive and show what we believe IN
Please carpool if possible. Religious leaders are encouraged to wear their clerical attire.
Please join Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, the Council of American Islamic-Relations (CAIR-SFBA) and more than 50 other religious and community organizations this Saturday as we celebrate our UNITY! To join the list of event hosts and add your organizations name to this effort, click here. To see most recent list of co-hosts (there are LOTS), click “Read More.”
For more up to date information, visit the event Facebook page.
Branded as a “March Against Shariah,” ACT targets Muslim communities, works actively to ban humane refugee resettlement programs from war-torn countries such as Syria, and raises the issue of Islamic law as a fear-mongering tactic. Scheduling the rallies during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and so shortly after the horrific tragedy in Portland is particularly offensive. Note that the anti-Muslim rally is schedule to be at the corner of Stevens Creek Blvd and Winchester Ave. Please avoid confrontation and be sure to join the UNITY Rally atStevens Creek Blvd. and Santana Row, about 1/2 block away.