
7:15 pm - 8:45 pm

Event Type

Co-sponsored by the Action Council and the Adult Religious Education Committee, this study/action group meets twice a month, on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings from 7:15 to 8:45 via Zoom.

  • The second-Tuesday sessions, led by Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern, are focused on the series “Seeing White” from the podcast Scene on Radio.
  • The fourth-Tuesday sessions, led by Kristi Iverson and Susan Owicki, are focused on action and reflection.

We are calling the group “White Folks . . . ” because we recognize the need for white people to do much of the work of dismantling white supremacy. It’s also important to have anti-racism learning spaces for white folks, where they can grapple with new ideas about racism and speak candidly about their fears and misconceptions. It can be painful for people of color to witness these conversations, so we have created this space apart from the main body of the congregation. That said, all people of whatever race or background are welcome to attend any or all sessions.


On Tuesday, September 8, we will listen to episode 4 of “Seeing White” together (“On Crazy We Built a Nation”) and then discuss what we have learned and the actions it inspires. If you haven’t been in previous sessions, you’ll be better able to join the conversation if you listen to the earlier podcast episodes ahead of time.


If you would like to participate, please sign up to be on the class email list by sending an email to DismantlingWhiteSupremacy+subscribe@uucpa.org.