White Folks Dismantling White Supremacy


12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


Event Type


  • Date: Sunday, Nov 17
  • Time: 12:30 – 2 pm
  • Location: Room 6
  • Facilitator: Amy Zucker Morgenstern
  • Contact: Marilyn Austin (marilyn_a@uucpa.org)
  • Registration: Not required

The intent of the group is to launch a regular gathering of white UUCPA community members, focusing on what they need to know and do in order to help eradicate racism and white supremacy. Whether blatant or subtle, whether individual actions or built into our systems, what all expressions of white supremacy have in common is that they contradict our principles, prevent people of ALL “races” from being all that we can, destroy relationships, and impose injustice and harm. Amy writes: “What people of color tell me over and over is that racism is a problem white people need to tackle, and that they are weary from not only living under its effects, but having to educate us white folks one by one.” So, using resources that people of color have already provided, we’ll educate each other and ourselves, and support each other in actions that will make a better, less racist world. Bring your calendars and a potential action you’d like to take.