
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Event Type

The Young Adult Group organizes activities to meet the interests of everyone at UUCPA who identifies with the young adult life stage, typically but not always ages 21-35.

  • We meet Sunday after the 11 am service (10:30 am service during the summer) and get lunch. We also organize activities such as hikes.
  • In addition, we meet on alternating Monday and Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm in Room A. (A calendar of our meetings is at sites.google.com/site/uucpayacalendar.)

During these meetings, attendees are invited to share recent life events and topics on their minds (2-5 minutes/person). We then discuss a topic or play a game or do an activity. Recent discussion topics have included: discovering your gifts and passions, dealing with parents, and asking for help. Recent activities have included origami, meditation, and Dungeons and Dragons.

Please email youngadults-info@uucpa.org if you have any additional questions.

Facilitator: The group manages itself Contact: Clark Zhang (clark_z@uucpa.org)

Date: Alternating Monday and Thursday evenings
Time: 7:30-9 pm
Location: Room A
Facilitator: The group manages itself
Contact: youngadults-info@uucpa.org
Registration: Not required