
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Event Type

The Young Adult Group organizes activities to meet the interests of everyone at UUCPA who identifies with the young-adult life stage, typically but not always ages 21-35.

We meet Sunday after the 11 am service (10:30 am service during the summer) and get lunch. We also organize activities such as hikes. In addition, we meet every Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm in Room A or 7 (A calendar of our meetings is at sites.google.com/site/uucpayacalendar).

During these meetings, attendees are invited to share recent life events and topics on their minds (2-5 minutes/person). We then discuss a topic or play a game or do an activity. Recent discussion topics have included: discovering your gifts and passions, dealing with parents, and asking for help. Recent activities have included origami, meditation, and Dungeons and Dragons.

Although meetings are scheduled every Tuesday and Thursday, we communicate through Slack (available at slack.com or in the app store for your mobile device) to ensure there is a quorum for every meeting and cancel them if there isn’t a quorum. Please email youngadults-info@uucpa.org for an invitation to the Slack group or if you have any additional questions.

  • Date: Sundays after the 11 am service (10:30 am service during the summer) and get lunch AND Every Tuesday and Thursday evening
  • Time: Sundays Tuesday/Thursday: 7:30-9 pm
  • Location: Room A or Room 7.  Check the calendar of meetings at sites.google.com/site/uucpayacalendar for location.
  • Facilitator: The group manages itself
  • Contact: youngadults-info@uucpa.org
  • Registration: Not required