The Forum meets from 8:30 to 10 am on Sunday mornings. Here are the Forum topics for July 2023:
- 7/2 Modifying genes in the embryo — Who does it? Ethics? – Warren Schmidt
- 7/9 Looking at Mindfulness, by Christophe André — 25 mindful lessons in 25 marvelous paintings — Dick Duda
- 7/16 Osteoporosis: Prevention and Treatment – Discussion (Please view video –link is in title– before meeting) – facilitated by Susan Owicki
- 7/23 Friendship – General discussion – facilitated by Richard Heydt
- 7/30 Discussion of Matters of Current Local, National, and International Interest, and Selection of Forum Discussion Topics for September
The Forum meets both in-person and online via video conference. On the second Sunday of each month, the in-person meeting is in the Fireside Room. On other Sundays it is in the church library. For online access, the link will be emailed to members of If you aren’t already in that group (or if you aren’t sure), please request to join by 9 pm Saturday evening for the next day’s meeting info by sending an email to
Everyone is welcome.