From the Associate Minister of RE – Rev. Dan Harper

  • Weaving the Web: Feeling overwhelmed? Join the gathering this Tuesday

    Weaving the Web: Feeling overwhelmed? Join the gathering this Tuesday
    Dear ones, we’ve probably all had our fill of these over the past three months: Tuning the news out entirely, or tuning in and then feeling completely overwhelmed Getting together with a friend and both venting all our “Can you believe . . . ?”s, but not feeling any better afterwards Being scared for people we care about, ...
  • Protest against DOGE planned for Sunday, Feb. 16

    Protest against DOGE planned for Sunday, Feb. 16
    As we’ll discuss on Tuesday, there are many ways to bend the moral arc toward democracy and justice, and we can each choose the way that fits with us: write letters, call officials, take care of the activists, show up in person . . . One of the latter opportunities is coming right up, right ...
  • 2nd Sunday Lunch Feb 9 – Chili, Chips and Roasted Broccoli

    2nd Sunday Lunch Feb 9 - Chili, Chips and Roasted Broccoli
    Join us for Second Sunday Lunch, a home-cooked, nutritious, delicious food for a very reasonable donation. We go through the buffet line in the Fireside Room and eat in the Main Hall or outdoors, weather permitting. If you’re new or visiting, be our guest. We want you to stay for lunch, and we welcome new volunteers! ...
  • SciFi/Fantasy Discussion Group Next Meeting — Feb 19 — the film “Brother from Another Planet”

    SciFi/Fantasy Discussion Group Next Meeting -- Feb 19 -- the film "Brother from Another Planet"
    The next meeting for the SciFi/Fantasy Discussion Group is February 19, 7-8:30, on Zoom. We’ll discuss the 1984 film “Brother from Another Planet”. The Zoom link for the meeting is available on the UUCPA website. All are welcome. We assume that you’ve seen the film.From Amazon: A mysterious young black man lands in Harlem, unable to speak and possessing telekinetic and psychic ...
  • Save the Date: Why UU’s should give a “dam” about water conservation – Feb 23

    Save the Date: Why UU’s should give a “dam” about water conservation - Feb 23
    Be sure to join UUCPA member Jodi Dutta on February 23 at 11:45 am in the Fireside Room or via Zoom who will share her knowledge of the critical issues of water conservation, distribution, viability, and sustainability in California in this Adult Learning Journey class. Jodi is a civil engineer with the San Francisco Regional Office ...