Lifted Moments: 75th Anniversary Service

During the service, we wrote our “lifted moments” in these balloons, now displayed on the walls besides rooms 4, 5, and 6 (the block with the yellow doors). Enjoy, and come add your own!

UUCPA turns 75 on April 6! We celebrate today by looking at the “lifted moments” of great purpose, joy, and learning in the life of our community. The 75th Anniversary Committee tells the story in photographs, and bedecks our space with festive balloons and beautiful music, and Amy shares some of these moments and asks: With the UUCPA of the next 75 years in our hands, what do we want to make and be together?

Worship leader: Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern

Worship Associate: Brian Weller of the 75th Anniversary Committee

Special music: Martin Manley, jazz piano

Follow along in the order of service:

9:30: We gather in person, on the main patio, distanced and masked for safety. Children’s Religious Education is in session at the same time.

11:00: We gather in person, in the main hall, in person on the main patio, and via To watch the service live on our Facebook page, visit:

If you’d like to be close by in your car, both services are broadcast throughout the UUCPA campus on 88.7 FM.

Join us afterward (at 12:30 pm) for the Budget Town Hall meeting in the Fireside Room or stay on the service zoom