Divisions, and We Visions

In this era of deep divisions, plumbing those depths can help us better comprehend the underlying dynamics at work. This allows us to respond creatively and effectively, thus empowering inclusive “we visions” that will help birth a more just and sustainable society.

Worship Leader: Rev. Peter Farriday

Justice Partner Speaker: Edie Keating for Hotel de Zink

Special music: Varsha Saxon, Pianist

Follow along in the order of service: bit.ly/uucpa_oos_20230910.

Join the service via Zoom: bit.ly/uucpa_service_1015am_v3. To get the passcode, email sundayservice@uucpa.org or call UUCPA’s outgoing voicemail message, 650-494-0541.  It is also included in the weekly update emails. To watch the service live on our Facebook page (no passcode required), visit: www.facebook.com/uucpa/live_videos.

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