Today’s service offers a way to nurture our spiritual paths through an examination of the world’s historic religions, new avenues of emerging spiritual thought, and a rapidly developing global culture. Do you consider yourself spiritual? Do you not, but try to live a life of integrity and conscience? Or do you identify with one of the world’s major religions but are also interested in other faiths? Rev. Young provides roadmaps that can guide us to a more meaningful understanding of our diversity and help us to fulfill our hopes for a future determined by how well we cooperate, share, and embrace the Earth as our home.
John L. Young, a Kansas native, has served churches in Chicago, New York City, Bloomington, IN, Paramus, NJ, Sacramento, and Jacksonville, FL. He has been a Harvard Fellow, and an adjunct professor at the University of North Florida, where he taught courses in nonviolence, the truth and reconciliation process (with Archbishop Desmond Tutu), liberal religion, and how to combine activism with personal spiritual practice. He now lives in the Bay Area.
Worship leader: Rev. Dr. John L. Young
Worship Associate: Steven Mashin
Special music: Eric Leong, violin, and Sumi Nagasawa, piano
Follow along in the order of service:
Today is the last Sunday of our summer schedule: one service at 10:30 am.
We gather in person in the Main Hall, in person on the main patio, and via Zoom: In person, we are distanced 3′ and masked for safety; proof of vaccination and a mask are required to enter the Main Hall. Outdoors, masks are not required, but are recommended. Children’s Religious Education and childcare are available during the service; children are also welcome to remain in the service.
To watch the service live on our Facebook page, visit: