When the Veil is Thinnest

Traditions such as the Day of the Dead (native to Mexico) and the pagan holy day Samhain (pr. SAH-win), now aka All Hallows Eve or Halloween, suggest the veil between earthly life and the spirit world is thinnest this time of year. So this autumn Sunday we explore what may lie beyond this mortal realm.

You’re invited to bring photos or mementos of deceased loved ones for the Remembrance table(s). It’s prudent to add a small note/sticker on the back identifying it as yours, so you can be notified if it’s forgotten (it happens). If attending online, you could have your mementos with you that morning.

Worship Leader: Rev. Peter Farriday

Special Music: Veronika Agranov-Dafoe

Follow along in the order of service, bit.ly/uucpa_oos_20231029.

Join the service via Zoom: bit.ly/uucpa_service_1015am_v3. To get the passcode, email sundayservice@uucpa.org or call UUCPA’s outgoing voicemail message, 650-494-0541.  It is also included in the weekly update emails. To watch the service live on our Facebook page (no passcode required), visit: www.facebook.com/uucpa/live_videos.
