Why would you want to forgive someone who wronged you? Even if you wanted to forgive them, how would you go about doing so? During this service, we’ll consider what forgiveness is (and isn’t), why we might want to forgive (ourselves and others), and how to go about doing so.
Our guest in the pulpit, the Rev. Dr. Sue Magidson, is the Spiritual Care Coordinator and Chaplain at San Leandro Hospital. She is also a community minister affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley.
Worship leader: Rev. Dr. Sue Magidson
Worship Associate: Jane Chronis
Special music: Larry Chinn, jazz piano
Follow along in the order of service, bit.ly/uucpa_oos_20220626.
We are on our summer schedule through July 31: one service at 10:30 am.
We gather in person in the Main Hall, in person on the main patio, and via Zoom: bit.ly/uucpa_service_11am. In person, we are distanced 3′ and masked for safety; proof of vaccination and a mask are required to enter the Main Hall. Outdoors, masks are not required, but are recommended. Children’s Religious Education (summer Sunday school) is in session at the same time.
To watch the service live on our Facebook page, visit: www.facebook.com/uucpa/live_videos.
Photo by Marianna Smiley on Unsplash